Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Welcome to my Sustainable Eating Project!

Hello, dear ones! My name is Erin & I have recently embarked upon a journey to eat sustainably in my life. I started recording my progress on Facebook & after only a week decided to start a blog! I hope you enjoy reading about my experiences :)

First, what the heck started this whole Sustainable Eating Project idea? Well, a while back my boyfriend (DBF or Dear BoyFriend) & I made the switch to organic milk. We drink a fair amount of milk & were vaguely aware of the existence of harmful hormones & chemicals in industrial milk, so we just randomly decided to start buying organic milk one day. It was just SO delicious that I was inspired to learn more about organic agriculture & how it differs from industrial agriculture (& how my milk could possibly so much more tasty!) I started by reading The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan and was SHOCKED at how harmful industrial agriculture is for the earth, for the plants & animals raised by industry, & ultimately for us, the humans at the top of the food chain. (I've since been working my way through a stack of books by various authors on sustainable eating & the environmental impact of industrial agriculture.) I felt sickened by guilt of being part of the system & betrayed by Big Agriculture whose powerful marketing & strong lobbying power in Washington spread a message that all is well! "A calorie is a calorie, an apple is an apple! Why pay more when they're the same?"

A little over a week ago, I had the crazy idea to see if DBF & I could eat entirely from the Farmer's Market for an entire week while staying within our regular weekly food budget. DBF didn't think we could do it & balked at the potential increase in expenses, but agreed to give it a shot. He's wonderful like that :) I dubbed our little adventure the Sustainable Eating Project & started posting about our adventure on Facebook. Seven days are up & the experience was wonderful! My next few posts will reprise my original Facebook posts so that I can really start this blog off from square one. :)

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